
EMDC Recognized Nationally as one of NADO’s 2019 Impact Award Recipients

Posted on October 30, 2019 | Press Releases

EMDC was one of 66 organizations nationwide recognized with a 2019 Impact Award from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO). President & CEO, Lee Umphrey, was honored to accept the award on behalf of EMDC in Reno, Nevada at NADO’s 2019 Annual Training Conference.

Recognized for their new Economic Response Team, EMDC modeled the Team after their EDA-supported Re-Engineering the Region project. This new model brings together communities, businesses and industries to provide expertise and oversight for large-scale investments in Eastern Maine. “The Impact Awards program honors NADO members for their creative approaches to advancing regional community and economic development and improved quality of life,” NADO said in a release.

As team leader, EMDC drives project implementation and provides direct support with their integrated services. Projects begin with one-on-one consultations between EMDC, their partner Acadia Capital Management, and communities. Individualized roadmaps are created, EMDC identifies partners and services unique to each project, directs the group, and ensures the project moves beyond the initial stages of activity.

“These projects have made significant impacts on their regions and demonstrate the diversity of services and program delivery,” said NADO’s Research Foundation Associate Director, Brett Schwartz.

A multimodal terminal in Hermon, the Katahdin Region Development Board in the Katahdin Region, and the Hancock County Re-Entry project are the first three projects to benefit from EMDC’s new Economic Opportunity Response Team.

“Our community-based approach is designed to be inclusive, collaborative and productive,” said EMDC’s President & CEO, Lee Umphrey. “Working together we are determined to get the best results that fit each community’s strengths and needs.”

EMDC (Eastern Maine Development Corporation) fosters public-private relationships and leverages resources that help businesses, communities and individuals reach long-term goals and prosperity. EMDC is the only economic development company in the state that provides services to these three groups under one umbrella. Their integrated programs and individualized services accelerate economic and workforce development through this holistic approach.

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